
Welcome to Silver Wings International

This is a small sample site of Silver Wings International, Inc. We hope you will enjoy your visit and perhaps become a member.

SWI MEMBERS: Your username and password are case sensitive and should be entered this way:


Username: Capital letter for your first name and Capital letter for the beginning of your last name then small letters for the rest of your last name.

  • If you need a password Email Anita Ridpath @ nylayover.com she will assign you one..
  • If you forgot your password click on forgot password. It opens up a page with a text box asking for user’s email address or username.
  • Enter your email address and hit Reset password
  • User will receive an email with a link to update your password.
  • On opening the provided link enter new password.
  • Hit reset password and your password is updated.
  • Use your new password to login to the website.
  • ALWAYS REFRESH THE PAGE AFTERWARDS and write down your username and password for future reference.
  • To pay DUES online from HOME Page,  scroll down & click on Annual Dues.  Pay with your credit card it goes through Paypal, or you can pay by ZELLE.

About our organization

Silver Wings International, Inc. was founded in 1987 by a group of retired TWA flight attendants to celebrate the pride and dignity of their chosen profession. The organization, which is open to former TWA and Ozark Flight Attendants, numbers over 900 throughout the U.S., Canada, Mexico and Europe.

On a national level

Silver Wings and it’s members generously support the TWA Museum at 10 Richards Rd and the TWA Flight 800 Memorial Fund as their charitable focus. They have also guaranteed a place in history for TWA through placement of a vintage uniform collection at the Museum of Flight in Seattle, WA. Lynne Adleman and the Los Angeles Chapter have organized and donated a vintage uniform collection and memorabilia to the Los Angeles Flight Path Aviation Museum.

The careers of our members

Span service aboard a range of aircraft from the DC-3 to the B-717. With our membership increasing monthly, we are proud to claim a member average of 30 years of service to TWA and Ozark Airlines. Our Annual Convention and Gathering of Friends is held each fall in a variety of host cities.
Now, more than ever, is the time to pull together to protect our friendships and our mutual history with TWA. As we all experience the loss of the identity of the airline we have worked for, and the separation from colleagues we have worked with, we invite you and welcome you into Silver Wings.


TWA Hotel, JFK
Silver Wings Convention
OCT 25-29, 2023


Check if one of our chapters is near you



Download membership application
form and send to us

New Member App 2022